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Configuration Files

RLBot uses the standard .toml format for all configuration files. To see how TOML works, check out the TOML spec.

The framework uses four types of config files, commonly known as:

Bot & Script Config Files

A bot/script config file defines a bot/script and its attributes, closely resembling the PlayerConfiguration/ScriptConfiguration from the flatbuffer schema. The content of config files for bots and scripts are very similar, so the file extension indicates whether it is a bot or script:

  • Bots: Named bot.toml or ends with .bot.toml. Here are examples of valid names: bot.toml,,
  • Scripts: Named script.toml or ends with .script.toml. Here are examples of valid names: script.toml, tron.script.toml, SCB.script.toml

It should also be noted that whatever prefixes the .bot.toml/.script.toml file name will not be used by anything in RLBot.

The sections and fields:

  • [settings] - Used by both RLBot and the GUI
    • agent_id - The static, unique id that is associated with this bot. Preferred format is "author/bot-name".
    • name - The name of the bot/script.
    • loadout_file - The path to the loadout file for the bot.
    • root_dir - A path to the root directory of the bot, e.g. "./bin/". The run_command will be run from the root directory.
    • run_command - The command to run the bot/script on Windows. If empty, the bot must be started manually (This may be handy during development if a default agent_id is coded into the bot).
    • run_command_linux - The command to run the bot/script on Linux.
    • logo_file - The path to the logo file for the bot/script.
  • [details] - Used only by the GUI
    • description - A description of the bot/script.
    • fun_fact - A fun fact about the bot/script.
    • source_link - A link to the source code of the bot/script.
    • developer - The developer(s) of the bot/script.
    • language - The language the bot/script is written in.
    • tags - A list of tags that describe the bot/script. These will affect which categories in the GUI your bot/script appear in. Possible tags:
      • 1v1 - The bot plays traditional 1v1 soccer.
      • teamplay - The bot considers team mates and rotates.
      • goalie - Only add this tag if your bot only plays as a goalie. Incompatible with teamplay tag!
      • hoops - The bot understands the Hoops game mode.
      • dropshot - The bot understands the Dropshot game mode.
      • snow-day - The bot understands the Snow Day game mode.
      • spike-rush - The bot understands the Spike-Rush game mode.
      • heatseaker - The bot understands the Heatseeker game mode.
      • memebot - The bot has an untraditional play style.

Psyonix Bot Presets

If a Psyonix bot is not given a name, it will be a random standard Psyonix bot. If a Psyonix bot's name matches a standard Psyonix bot, it will use the standard loadout of that bot unless a loadout file is specified.

Example bot.toml that runs a Python bot in a virtual environment
agent_id = "rolv-soren/necto"
name = "Necto"
loadout_file = "loadout.toml"
run_command = ".\\venv\\Scripts\\python"
run_command_linux = "./venv/bin/python"
logo_file = "necto_logo.png"

description = "Necto is the official RLGym community bot, trained using PPO with workers run by people all around the world."
fun_fact = "Necto uses an attention mechanism, commonly used for text understanding, to support any number of players"
source_link = ""
developer = "Rolv, Soren, and several contributors"
language = "rlgym"
tags = ["1v1", "teamplay"]
Example script.toml that runs in the global Python environment
agent_id = "rlbot-community/script-example"
name = "Script Example"
run_command = "python"
run_command_linux = "python3"
logo_file = "logo.png"

description = "Script example"
fun_fact = "This is just an example TOML!"
source_link = ""
developer = "The RLBot community"
language = "python"
tags = []

Loadout Config Files

Loadout config files, e.g. loadout.toml, define a bot's default loadout. They are tedious to make by hand, so we recommend using the GUI's loadout maker. The item ids can be found here. Note that it is also possible to set your bots loadout through code. See Set Loadout.

Example loadout.toml
# Primary Color selection
team_color_id = 29
# Secondary Color selection
custom_color_id = 0
# Car type (Octane, Merc, etc)
car_id = 23
# Type of decal
decal_id = 6083
# Wheel selection
wheels_id = 1580
# Boost selection
boost_id = 35
# Antenna Selection
antenna_id = 0
# Hat Selection
hat_id = 0
# Paint Type (for first color)
paint_finish_id = 0
# Paint Type (for secondary color)
custom_finish_id = 0
# Engine Audio Selection
engine_audio_id = 6919
# Car trail Selection
trails_id = 3220
# Goal Explosion Selection
goal_explosion_id = 4118

team_color_id = 69
custom_color_id = 0
car_id = 23
decal_id = 6083
wheels_id = 1580
boost_id = 35
antenna_id = 0
hat_id = 0
paint_finish_id = 1681
custom_finish_id = 1681
engine_audio_id = 5635
trails_id = 3220
goal_explosion_id = 4118

car_paint_id = 12
decal_paint_id = 12
wheels_paint_id = 12
boost_paint_id = 12
antenna_paint_id = 0
hat_paint_id = 0
trails_paint_id = 12
goal_explosion_paint_id = 12

car_paint_id = 12
decal_paint_id = 12
wheels_paint_id = 12
boost_paint_id = 12
antenna_paint_id = 0
hat_paint_id = 0
trails_paint_id = 12
goal_explosion_paint_id = 12

Match Config Files

A match config file, e.g. match.toml, define a match and its settings, closely resembling MatchConfiguration from the flatbuffer schema.

Sections and fields:

  • [rlbot]
    • launcher - Indicates how Rocket League should be launched if it is not already running. Either "Steam" (default), "Epic", "Custom" (see launcher_arg), or NoLaunch.
    • launcher_arg - Additionaly configuration to the launching method:
      • "legendary" (Custom) - Start Rocket League using Legendary
    • auto_start_bots - Boolean. Whether bots should be started using their run command.
  • [match]
    • game_mode - The game mode. Either "Soccer", "Hoops", "Dropshot", "Hockey", "Rumble", "Heatseeker", "Gridiron", or "Knockout". This affects a few of the game rules although many game modes can also be recreated solely from mutators. See what mutators and game mode combinations make up the official modes here.
    • game_map_upk - The map upk file to load, e.g. "UtopiaStadium_P". On Steam version of Rocket League this can be used to load custom map files, but on Epic version it only works on the Psyonix maps. Available maps can be found here.
    • cars - A list of players in the match. See the car section below for fields of cars.
    • scripts - A list of scripts in the match. See the script section below for fields of scripts.
    • skip_replays - Boolean. Whether to skip goal replays.
    • start_without_countdown - Boolean. Whether to start without kickoff countdown.
    • existing_match_behavior - How to handle any ongoing match. Either "RestartIfDifferent", "Restart", "ContinueAndSpawn"
    • enable_rendering - Boolean. Whether debug rendering is displayed.
    • enable_state_setting - Boolean. Whether bots and scripts are allowed to manipulate the game state, e.g. teleporting cars and ball.
    • auto_save_replay - Boolean. Whether the match replay should be saved.
    • freeplay - Boolean. Whether or not to use freeplay instead of an exhibition match. This allows the players to use training keybinds, Bakkesmod plugins, and other features that are only allowed in free play.
  • [mutators]
    • match_length - Duration of the match. Either "FiveMinutes" (default), "TenMinutes", "TwentyMinutes", or "Unlimited".
    • max_score - Max score of match. If this score is reached, the team immediately wins. Either "Default", "OneGoal", "ThreeGoals", "FiveGoals", "SevenGoals", or "Unlimited".
    • multi_ball - The number of balls. Either "One", "Two", "Four", or "Six".
    • overtime - The overtime rules and tiebreaker. Either "Unlimited" (default), "FiveMaxFirstScore", or "FiveMaxRandomTeam".
    • series_length - The series length (no effect in practice). Either "Unlimited" (default), "ThreeGames", "FiveGames", or "SevenGames".
    • game_speed - A game speed multiplier. Either "Default", "SloMo", or "TimeWarp".
    • ball_max_speed - Ball max speed. Either "Default", "Slow", "Fast", or "SuperFast".
    • ball_type - Ball type and shape. Either "Default", "Cube", "Puck", "Basketball", "Beachball", "Anniversary", "Haunted", "Ekin", or "SpookyCube".
    • ball_weight - Ball weight and how much is curves. Either "Default", "Light", "Heavy", "SuperLight", "CurveBall", "BeachBallCurve", or "MagnusFutBall".
    • ball_size - Ball size. Either "Default", "Small", "Medium", "Large", or "Gigantic".
    • ball_bounciness - Ball bounciness. Either "Default", "Low", "High", "SuperHigh", or "LowishBounciness".
    • boost_amount - Boost meter behaviour. Either "NormalBoost", "UnlimitedBoost", "SlowRecharge", "RapidRecharge", or "NoBoost".
    • rumble - Rumble item rules. Either "NoRumble" (default), "DefaultRumble", "Slow", "Civilized", "DestructionDerby", "SpringLoaded", "SpikesOnly", "SpikeRush", "HauntedBallBeam", "Tactical", or "BatmanRumble".
    • boost_strength - Boost strength multiplier. Either "One" (default), "OneAndAHalf", "Two", "Five", or "Ten".
    • gravity - Strength of gravity. Either "Default", "Low", "High", "SuperHigh", or "Reverse".
    • demolish - Demolition conditions. Either "Default", "Disabled", "FriendlyFire", "OnContact", or "OnContactFF".
    • respawn_time - Demolition respawn time. Either "ThreeSeconds" (default), "TwoSeconds", "OneSecond", or "DisableGoalReset".
    • max_time - Max real-time duration of match including kickoff, replays, and more. If the score is tied upon time-out, the number of shots determine the winner. Either "Default" or "ElevenMinutes".
    • game_event - Additional game behaviour for custom modes. Either "Default", "Haunted", or "Rugby".
    • audio - Additional audio options for custom modes. Either "Default" or "Haunted".

Car fields:

  • team - The team of the player. Either "Blue"/0 for blue or "Orange"/1 for orange.
  • type - Determines what controls the car. Either "RLBot" (default), "Human", or "Psyonix" (see skill),
  • skill - Determines the skill level of a Psyonix bot. Either "Beginner", "Rookie", "Pro", and "Allstar".
  • config - A path to a bot.toml config file. Unusued if type is not "RLBot" or "Psyonix". For Psyonix bots, the config file determines name and loadout.
  • name - Overrides the name in config.
  • loadout_file - Overrides the loadout in config.

Script fields:

Example match.toml with default values + some cars and scripts
launcher = "Steam"
auto_start_bots = true

game_mode = "Soccer"
game_map_upk = "Stadium_P"
skip_replays = false
start_without_countdown = false
existing_match_behavior = "Restart"
enable_rendering = false
enable_state_setting = true
auto_save_replay = false
freeplay = false

team = 0
config = "atba/"
type = "RLBot"  # Unnecessary, since it is default

team = 0
config = "necto/bot.toml"

team = 1
type = "Psyonix"
skill = "Pro"

team = 1
type = "Human"

config = "zero-g.script.toml"

# All mutators with default values
match_length = "FiveMinutes"
max_score = "Default"
multi_ball = "One"
overtime = "Unlimited"
game_speed = "Default"
ball_max_speed = "Default"
ball_type = "Default"
ball_weight = "Default"
ball_size = "Default"
ball_bounciness = "Default"
boost_amount = "NormalBoost"
rumble = "NoRumble"
boost_strength = "One"
gravity = "Default"
demolish = "Default"
respawn_time = "ThreeSeconds"
max_time = "Default"
game_event = "Default"
audio = "Default"