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Console commands

Sending a Console Command

To send a console command, e.g. Stat FPS, you would do this in Python:

self.set_game_state(console_commands=["Stat FPS"])

Other languages may vary in how you set game state.

Known Console Commands

All of these are confirmed to work as intended. Please add more as you find them!

  • QueSaveReplay - Creates a replay keyframe and causes a replay to be saved at the end of the match.
  • Set WorldInfo WorldGravityZ 0.0000001 - Zero gravity (pretty much). Setting to 0 returns it to default. You can also use state setting to set gravity. Warning: Sending this command every frame will likely make your game lag!
  • Set WorldInfo TimeDilation 3 - Speeds up the game by 3 times. Can also be used to slow down the game with a number between 0 and 1. You can also use state setting to set game speed.
  • Stat FPS - Turns on a little in-game FPS counter. Can be turned back off with Stat FPS 0
  • ShowDebug PHYSICS - Nice little text readout which shows you some values, and also the names of some specific classes/attributes that you can use Set on.
  • Pause - Pauses the game. Send Pause to unpause the game. get_output/GetOutput/getOutput will still be called when the game is paused. This pause is the same as the pause when Escape is pressed.
  • ViewAutoCam - This will set the camera to auto-cam mode.
  • ViewDefault - Go to the default director camera mode.
  • ViewPlayer <team index> <player index> To go a specific player POV - e.x. ViewPlayer 0 2 to view the third player on blue and ViewPlayer 1 2 to view the third player on orange.
  • CycleHUD - The equivalent of pressing H to cycle through the HUD options.
  • CycleCamera - Goes to the next camera view. For example, ViewAutoCam and then CycleCamera puts the camera into the free-flying mode.

Research for More Console Commands

Try some of these!